

Ghost Hunting EMF Meter

The Rook EMF meter


Let's take a look, fellow ghost hunters...


The new Rook EMF meter includes lights and sound while detecting changes in electromagnetic frequencies (EMF). Designed by GhostStop who have been investigators for many years have built this through their own experience. So you know it's built by investigators who know what we want in a device. It's a bit different than your usual EMF in that it does not react nearly as much to radio interference as many other commonly-used units like the k2 meter and ghost meter. It's main purpose is to track down sources of EMF spikes without the interference from radios and mobile phones.


customer reviews of the Rook EMF meter

"The rook energy sensor is an amazing piece of equipment  and I would highly recommend this new device,   the folks at ghost stop did an amazing job creating the rook" - stephen kurtzke


"I have tested this meter a few times and I found that it is easy to use and read. Also the sound indicator for the EMF strength is useful that you do not have to keep an eye on it the whole investigation. The design is also a plus being a very unique look for an EMF meter plus neat to look at. I would recommend this product!" - Northwest Indiana Paranormal Investigations


"Big improvement. Good call!

Love how it filters out cell phones and walkies and the like. Sat it next to a K2 and you can see the difference. Good call Ghost Stop!!!" - David


"The Rook is an easy to use and easy to read device. It allows you to pin-point where the source of EMF is coming from and allows the user to be more efficient while on a location. Its also a great tool to use help show the client something or to use at events or demonstrations. I recommend this device for every investigator." - Jonathan McCoy


"Rook (still not use to the name) EMF meter is a step above the rest. When compared to the K-2 and Ghost Meter, the Rook shows off its ability to filter out the false readings. I found it very useful as a wearable EMF meter that I attach to my equipment vest and able to walk around and find EMF spikes even when I'm recording without interference. When using as a communication tool, I found it easier for the spirits to communicate and easier for me to determine if the responses were paranormal. It's well designed battery door allows for easy change which is important in the dark. Replacing all my K-2 meters with the Rook. Well made and designed with the Paranormal Investigator in mind. Must have for everyone." -Stasko PaRaNoRMaL

"More accurate then your K2 meter"

The Rook is awesome and using this device can really debunk the k2meter. It's more accurate than the k2meter the more emf that's around the louder the sound is. Believe me every investigator should invest in this device you can't never go wrong with it." - Eduardo Bowden


"I highly recommend this piece of equipment. We have replaced our K-2 with this because the results seem to be more accurate with every use. Great Job and please keep the products coming." - Virginia (Red) Walters (Fire and Ice Paranormal)


"I have used the ROOK. I compared it with the MEL and K Meter. The sensitivity is amazing. The alarm is great, it is loud enough to alert you, but not to step on your EMF session. The unit's texture is very comfortable, yet slip proof. ROOK rocks! Thanks Ghoststop!" - Timothy Arnwine

Video Reviews

More Info

More info on the Rook and the manufacturer can be found at:  (makers)


phone: 1-407-281-1005 (in the US)